Manuel Garcia-Villarrubia

Manuel García-Villarrubia is an attorney at the Uría Menéndez Madrid office. He joined the firm in 1995 and was appointed partner in January 2005.

In 2009, Manual García Villarubia received the Iberian Lawyer 40 under Forty Award, recognizing excellent attorneys on the Iberian Peninsula under 40 years of age. His professional activity mainly revolves around in the procedural scope, both in civil and contentious-administrative jurisdiction.

Regarding civil and commercial matters, Manuel has managed legal matters for all sorts of judicial and arbitration procedures, including some of the most relevant processes brought before arbitration courts and Spanish and international courts, including the following: challenges to agreements adopted by companies (stock-listed and not stock-listed) and company conflicts of all sorts, construction lawsuits, civil responsibility procedures, quantity complaints and disputes regarding fulfillment of contracts, sentences regarding application of the Competition and Disloyal Competition Law, and regarding the infraction of industrial property rights. He has broad experience in execution procedures and in recognition and execution procedures in Spain for judicial rulings and foreign rulings.

He is also specialized in bankruptcy matters and in assessment of company crisis situations.

He has participated in legal proceedings related to public bid awarding sentences and administrative concessions, granting aid and public subsidies and applying sanctions to companies in all fields (accounts auditing, competition defense, environment, financial entity discipline, securities market, insurance, etc.).

Academic background:
  • Graduate in Law, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas ICADE (1995)

Some of his most recent publications are the following:

  • "Tres cuestiones prácticas sobre cuestiones polémicas sobre el art. 348 bis de la Ley de Sociedades de Capital" (Three practical issues on controversial matters regarding article 348 bis of the Capital Companies Act), published in El Derecho. Revista de Derecho Mercantil, n.º 50, 2017.
  • "Dos problemas de calificación a consecuencia de la introducción del vínculo causal en el art. 172 bis" (Two problems of qualification derived from the introduction of the causal link in the article 172 bis), published in Publication: El Derecho. Revista de Derecho Mercantil, n.º 48, 2017.
  • "Responsabilidad por deudas del art. 367 LSC: algunas cuestiones polémicas en torno al nacimiento de la obligación, en relación con la existencia de causa de disolución" (Liability arising from debts regulated by article 367 of the Spanish Capital Companies Act: some controversial issues around the obligation, in relation with the existence of cause for disolution), published in El Derecho. Revista de Derecho Mercantil, n.º 47, 2016.
  • "El orden público como fundamento de la impugnación de los acuerdos sociales" (Public order as cause for appealing corporate resolutions), published in El Derecho. Revista de Derecho Mercantil, n.º 45, 2016.
  • "Efectos de la nulidad de las cláusulas abusivas"� (Effects on the invalidity of abusive clauses), published in El Derecho. Revista de Derecho Mercantil, n.º 43, 2016.
  • "Los concursos de persona natural. El concepto de empresario. Supuestos dudosos." (Insolvency proceedings of natural persons. The businessman concept. Doubtful cases.) published in El Derecho. Revista de Derecho Mercantil, n.º 41, 2016
Manuel García-Villarrubia Bernabe
Last Name
Professor IE Law School