Manuel Romera

Manuel Romera is a professor of Financial Management at IE University and an expert in accounting analysis and the valuation of firms, areas where his knowledge of financial engineering has made him a leading figure. “I have also delved extensively into Basel II, a subject on which I train risk managers at large banks,” explained Professor Romera, who considers risk assessment the backbone of financial institutions. He holds a master’s in stock exchange analysis from Chuo University (Japan) and a master’s in financial marketing from Tulane University (United States). He also has participated in several international projects, such as a market management project for Mercosur, and has carried out stock exchange analysis in Tokyo.

Prior to his involvement in teaching, Manuel Romera was an analyst at Renta 4 and CFO at Alfa Training. He also currently provides consultancy services in the area of valuation of firms, in addition to being a board member at a private equity firm and at four other companies.

A regular contributor to leading European publications—including the Financial Times, Private Banker International, European Banker, Handelsblatt, El País and Expansión—Manuel Romera has published several research papers in specialized scientific journals. He has also chaired a means of payment forum and led conferences at SWIFT, “the world’s most important bank clearing institution,” explained Professor Romera.


• Professor of Financial Management at IE University, 2004 - Present

• Director of the Financial Sector at IE Business School, 2003 - Present

• Financial Director at Alfa Training, 1998 - 2000

• Market Analyst at Renta 4, 1993 - 1994


• PhD of Energy Economics and Strategy at IADE, 1998 - 2000

• MBA at IE Business School, 1999 - 2000

• Bachelor of Economics and Business Administration at the Autonomous University of Madrid, 1989 - 1994


• Professor of Financial Management at IE Business School, Present

• Visiting Professor at CENTRUM Católica (Peru), Present

• Visiting Professor at University of Miami (US), Present

• Visiting Professor at the University of the Andes (Colombia), Present

• Visiting Professor at Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Present

• Visiting Professor at Universidad Iberoamericana (Mexico), Present

• Author of several research articles published in specialized scientific journals

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