Marta Pertegás Sender

Marta Pertegás is the current Holder of the Chair on Private International Law and Transnational Law at Maastricht University. She joined the Faculty as a renowned expert in the field of private international law. She possesses practical experience in the codification of private international law and in treaty negotiations, as well as a wide international network.

Marta’s main research areas of interest are the function of private international law in the interaction between legal orders, the relationship between global and regional private international law and the transformative effects of globalization in (private) law.

Professional Experience

• Lawyer (of counsel), Barcelona and Brussels Bar 1997 - 2007

• Member of the Permanent Bureau (= Secretariat) of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, 2008 - 2017

Academic Experience

• Chair on Private International Law and Transnational Law at Maastricht University (Netherlands) since 2018

• Part-time Professor (0,2 FTE) at Antwerp University (Belgium) since 2002

• Visiting Professor of the University of Johannesburg in South Africa since 2019

• Lecturer Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2000 - 2002

Academic Background

• Licenciada en derecho (Law degree - Lic. iuris), 1992, Universitat Barcelona

• Master of Laws (LL.M.), 1993, K.U. Leuven

• Doctorate in Law (Law Ph.D.), 2000, K.U. Leuven

Marta Pertegás
Last Name
Pertegás Sender