Mélanie Riofrio Piché

Mélanie Riofrio Piché is an arbitrator specialized in commercial and investment arbitration. She acts as arbitrator handling complex international proceedings under the rules of ICSID, ICC, CAM Madrid and others. She is a member of the Panel of Arbitrators of ICSID, appointed by the Republic of Ecuador, and she has served as tribunal secretary in disputes arising out of contracts and investment treaties, in the electricity sector (generation and distribution), renewable energy, construction, oil & gas, joint ventures, telecommunications, sales and distribution contracts, and investment disputes.


• Partner, Riofrio IDR (International Dispute Resolution), Madrid, 2022 – Present

• Secretary General, Madrid International Arbitration Center (MIAC), Madrid, 2020 – 2022

• International Arbitrator, 2017 – Present

• Of counsel, Armesto & Asociados Árbitros, Madrid, 2019 – 2020

• Associate Armesto & Asociados Árbitros, Madrid, 2012 – 2019


• Adjunct professor, Master of Laws (LL.M.), International Commercial Arbitration, Universidad CEU San Pablo, 2022 – Present

• Adjunct professor, Master of Laws (LL.M.), Oral Advocacy in International Arbitration, IE Law School, 2019 – Present

• Adjunct professor, Master of Laws (LL.M.), Arbitraje, Universidad de Navarra, 2018 – 2020

• Adjunct professor, Master of Laws (LL.M.), International Commercial Arbitration, ESADE Law School, 2017 – 2019

• Co-founder and chair, International Arbitration Seminars & Courses Association (IASC), 2016 – 2022

Mélanie Riofrio Piché | IE University
Last Name
Riofrio Piché