Michelle Burgis-Kasthala

Michelle Burgis-Kasthala is an international lawyer with extensive teaching and supervision experience in the subject at the University of Edinburgh, the University of St Andrews and the Australian National University. Her research focuses on the role of international law across the Middle East where she has lived and carried about a range of empirical research projects. Her work has been published widely in a number of peer-reviewed journals. 

Academic Experience

• Senior Lecturer in Public International Law, University of Edinburgh, 2013 - Present

• Research Fellow, Regulatory Institutions Network (RegNet), Australian National University (ANU), 2014 - 2018

• Lecturer in Middle East Studies, School of International Relations, University of St Andrews, 2008 - 2013

Academic Background

• Ph.D. in Public International Law, Australian National University, 2008

• LLB (Hons I), University of Sydney, 2002

• BA (Hons I), University of Sydney, 1999

A smiling woman with brown hair wearing a blue scarf outdoors with trees in the background.
Last Name