Miguel Larrañaga Zulueta

Miguel Larrañaga was born in St Sebastian, Spain, in 1961. He obtained his Ph.D. in 1994. Currently he is a Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Professor at IE University. He is also Director of the IE Antiquity & Middle Ages Research Center. Miguel is a member of the advisory board of the Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies (Routledge, USA). He was a visiting professor in Germany, USA, and UK. He has published a large number of books and research articles and participated in research projects on his areas of scientific interest, mainly focused on the Middle Ages: society, culture, iconography, paleography, and heritage. He is also passionate about outdoor activities: Surfing, rock climbing, and mountain biking.

Corporate Experience

• Project manager at Eraman Cultural Services. St. Sebastian (Spain), 1988 - 1994

• Vice-Rector for Student Affairs at IE University. Segovia-Madrid (Spain), 2008 - Present

Academic Experience

• Adjunct Professor of Medieval History. Universidad de Alcalá, Spain, 1994 - 1999

• Researcher at the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) - Humanities. Madrid, Spain, 2000 - 2002

• Professor of Medieval Art & Archaeology. Universidad SEK, Segovia (Spain), 2002 - 2007

• Professor of Humanities. IE University, Segovia (Spain), 2008 - 2018

• Professor of the IE School of Law, Segovia (Spain), 2017 - Present

• Visiting professor at the Institüt für Franziskanische Geschichte, Münster (Germany), 1997

• Visiting professor at the Hill Manuscript Library, USA, 2010

• Visiting professor at University of Oxford, UK, 2012 - 2013

Academic Background

• Ph.D. in Medieval History. Deusto University, Spain, 1994

• Specialization course in Paleography. University of Navarre, Spain, 1991

• Specialization course in Museology. St Sebastian, Spain, 1986

• Bachelor in Philosophy. Autonoma University, Madrid, Spain, 1984

Last Name
Larrañaga Zulueta