Miguel Sagüés

With 25 years of executive experience, Miguel Sagüés has extensive professional knowledge that brings a complete vision of all business areas. In his own words, “I have worked in marketing, control, organization, and am currently a member of the Executive Committee at IE”.  Professor Sagüés combines a manager’s profile with that of a professor, which translates in his classes into “a sense of practice that students value”. Miguel has taught Management Control at IE since 1989, analyzing the tools at management teams’ disposal to run companies. He is an expert in information systems, planning, decentralization and profit centers, and believes in the “innovative director, with common sense, capable of motivating people”.

He has authored numerous teaching notes, case studies and books, and uses almost exclusively his own materials in his classes, the result of his research. He is currently preparing a new book on management control models, which compares current and past practices, and examines how companies should change in order to have more flexible systems. Author of numerous teaching notes, cases, research papers and two books – Manual de Gestión de Tecnologías y Sistemas de la Information (IE, 1995) and Conceptos sobre Control de Gestión (SPESA, 1992)

Professor Sagüés holds a law degree from Universidad Complutense de Madrid and an MBA from Columbia University. He is currently the General Director of IE University and the General Director of Organization at IE University. Before joining IE University, he worked in Shared Medical System, where he formed part of the international division in different responsibilities in Spain, the United States and Puerto Rico.

Corporate Experience

• General Director of Admissions, IE University, 2014 - Present

• General Director, IE University, 2007 - Present

• General Director of Organisation, IE Business School, 2001 - Present

• Financial Manager, IE Business School, 1996 – 2001

• Controller, IE Business School, 1988 - 1996

• Associate Director, Marketing and Admissions, IE Business School, 1987 – 1988

• Sales & Marketing Manager, Shared Medical Systems, (Spain), 1986 - 1987

• International Division Co-ordinator, Shared Medical Systems, (USA), 1985 - 1986

• Marketing Manager, Shared Medical Systems (Puerto Rico), 1981 - 1986


• Professor of Practice Management Control, IE University, 1989 - Present

• Professor of Practice Information Systems, IE University, 1991 - 2004

• Professor of Practice  Entrepreneurship, IE University, 1987 - 1989


• MBA, Columbia University, New York, 1983 - 1985

• Law Degree, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1975 - 1980

• ITP, INSEAD (Fontainebleu, France)

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