Nabil Ahmed

Nabil is a strategic advocate and convener, influencing policies and discourse on inequality and economic justice, and has led alliances and teams to win policy progress with governments and the private sector.

Based in Washington D.C., Nabil is Director of Economic Justice at Oxfam America, and was formerly Oxfam International’s Head of Executive Strategy and Communications, based in Nairobi, Kenya. He was the lead author of Oxfam’s flagship global inequality report in 2022, “Inequality Kills,”, and led Oxfam’s work to raise attention on inequality at the Davos World Economic Forum (WEF) since 2016. He led Oxfam’s engagement with the International Labor Organization’s Global Commission on the Future of Work and the G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council, and represented Oxfam on the WEF Advisory Board on Risks.

He co-founded the People’s Vaccine Alliance that fostered a movement of millions of people, and led efforts with world leaders and Nobel Laureates to challenge pharmaceutical monopolies over Covid-19 vaccines. Nabil was formerly a national organizer, worked in the private sector at Unilever, and is a graduate of the University of Manchester, UK.

Corporate Experience

• Director of Economic Justice, Oxfam America, 2022 - Present

• Head of Executive Strategy, Oxfam International, 2015 - 2022

• Executive Officer, Islamic Relief Worldwide, 2012 - 2015

• Co-founder, social enterprises to tackle inequality, 2011 - 2012

• Operations Manager, L’Oréal, 2008 - 2011 

Academic Background

• BSc Management (International Studies), University of Manchester, 2005 - 2008

Nabil Ahmed
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