Oyer Corazón Brabo

Oyer Corazón has been a passionate Professor since 2008, but not only. He has always shared teaching with his professional activity, such being Designer, first Graphic, later Strategic, and nowadays Service Designer and Innovation Head at his own firm hecho.company. He is Sannas’ Ambassador defending a new approach to business based on the Triple Bottom Line, BCorps, Purpose Driven, ODS initiatives that thrive for a Positive Impact.


• Founder, Service Design and Innovation Lead, Hecho.company, 2018 – Present

• Associate Partner, DMO Europe Design Company, 2017 – 2018

• CEO, ClaseMad Strategic & Graphic Design, 2013 – 2016

• Oxygenation Director, Revolution, 2012 – 2013

• Project Director, Alberto Corazón Studio (National Spanish Design Award), 1999 – 2012


• Adjunct Professor of Human Centered Design, IE Business School, Spain, 2021 – Present

• Design Thinking Professor, Master Universitario en Diseño Estratégico (MUDIES),

Universidad de Deusto, 2018 – 2020

• Design Thinking Professor, UX On-line Master (mUX), Universidad Europea de Madrid, 2018  – 2021

• Design Management Professor, Emprendimiento y Liderazgo, Técnicas de Creatividad,

• Viabilidad de TFG, Comunicación y Marketing, Universidad Europea de Madrid, 2013 – 2021

• Design Thinking Workshops, Valores y Emprendimiento, Universidad CEU, 2019

• Total Design, Istituto Europeo de Design (IED), Madrid, 2010 – 2018


• u.theory / u.lab Leading from the Emerging Future, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2022

• UX Course, User Centered Design, La Nave Nodriza, Madrid, 2015

• Design Management Master, EOI Madird, 2009

• Graphic Design Master,  Istituto Europeo de Design (IED), Madrid, 1999

• Communication Science Bachelor, Boston University, Boston, 1993

Oyer Corazón Brabo | IE University
Last Name
Corazón Brabo