Paul Anglin

Paul’s a Copywriter with more than 20 years’ experience writing with some of the world’s biggest brands including Nike, Apple and Microsoft.

He help all kinds of brands make the words they use clearer, sharper and more engaging.

Here in Madrid, Paul runs his own growing copywriting studio – Craft Copywriting. Craft helps clients do three things:

• Write clear and engaging copy across digital, print, social and everything in-between.

• Develop a tone of voice from scratch to help you sound more like you.

• Run invigorating workshops to help your teams write even better at work.

Corporate Experience

• Founder/Senior Copywriter & Tone of Voice Consultant/Trainer, Craft Copywriting, 2016

• Senior Content Specialist, Apple Retail EMEIA, 2012 - 2016

• Senior Copywriter, AKQA (Global & UK Nike Team), 20017 - 2012

• Copywriter, Loewy Group, 2006 - 2007

• Copywriter, April-Six Limited, 2004 - 2006

Academic Experience

• Adjunct Professor, Digital Copywriting, IE University, Madrid, 2019 - Present

Academic Background

• PMA Training, London – Postgraduate: Periodicals Journalism, 2004

• Middlesex University, London – BA Writing, 1999 - 2002

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