Pia Navazo

Spanish lawyer and consultant on human rights issues for NGOs, governments and private sector organizations with 10+ years of experience advising different types of organizations on the topic of business and human rights, linking her work with some key United Nations human rights agencies and procedures.

She is specialized on human rights impacts within supply chains, she has carried out extensive research, reporting, and design of practical tools to address labour rights violations. In particular, Pia has been involved in several corporate due diligence processes, seeking to apply in different sectors and geographic areas the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. She has advised different types of organizations and clients, Spanish and foreign, including NGOs, private companies and institutions/ governments.

Pia holds a master’s degree in Cooperation for Development (Fundacion Ortega y Gasset, Madrid) and a master’s degree in Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (Paris II-Pantheon-Assas).

Pia Navazo | IE University
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