Rodrigo Manero Jarnés

Rodrigo Manero is a Telecommunications Engineer, MBA from IESA, and DEA from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He is a regular professor at several universities and postgraduate centers specializing in Financial Markets and currently runs a consulting and training company, Métricas Financieras S.L. He is co-author of the book “Derivados Financieros” (ASEPELT and DELTA publications). His professional life is framed entirely in the financial markets where he has been a broker and market maker in Fixed Income, Equity, Forex and Derivative and Structured Products, his last active position being in Banco Santander as head of Secondary Markets.


• Director, METFIN, SL

• Head of Secondary Markets, Banco Santander, 2004 – 2016

• Products Department, Banco Santander, 2003 -2004

• Treasury Board of Banco Santander, 1997 – 2003

• Financial Arbitrages,CIMD, 1995 – 1997

•  Financial Arbitrages, ALL TRADING, 1993 – 1995

• Market-Making in currency products, Ibercaja, 1991 – 1993


• Associate Professor of Finance, IE IMBA Spain, 2020 – Present

• Associate Professor of Finance, IE University Spain, 2022 – Present

• Visiting Professor of Financial Products, IEB, 1996 – Present

• Visiting Professor University of Navarra, 2014 – Present

• Internal Trainer, Banco Santander, Spain, and Latin America 2000 – 2016

• FRM Course, Club de Riesgos Madrid, 2006 – Present


• DEA in the PhD in Banking and Stock Exchange, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain, 1998

• MBA, IESA, Venezuela, 1989

• Telecommunications Engineer, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela, 1987. Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science Spain in 1991

Rodrigo Manero Jarnes | IE
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Manero Jarnés