Rubén Zazo Candil

Rubén Zazo received the Msc. in Electrical Engineering in 2014 from Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. Since 2012, he has been an active researcher obtaining in 2018 a PhD in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering focused in Machine Learning with special emphasis in Deep Learning. During his PhD he was selected in a competitive process for an internship at Google Inc. in California, where he joined the Ok Google research team. Later in 2016 he stayed in Johns Hopkins University and worked in a project with MIT Lincoln Lab further developing Deep Neural Networks. The last year of his thesis he joined the Alexa Team at Amazon and worked on MultiModal Machine Learning team. Ruben is currently involved in teaching, team leading and developing Machine Learning, Deep Neural Networks and other state-of-the-art pattern recognition.


• Freelance Researcher. Since June 2018

• Research Team Leader. Nielsen, Madrid, 2018 – 2019

• Applied Scientist Intern. Amazon, Sept 2017 – Dec 2017

• Researcher. MIT and JHU, May 2016 – Aug 2016

• Software Engineer Internship. Google Inc., May 2015 – Aug 2015

• Researcher. Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, 2014 – 2018


• Adjunct Professor Artificial Intelligence. IE University. Since Mar 2021

• Data Science Lecturer. MIOTI. Since Dec 2017

• Assistant Teacher. UAM, 2016 – 2018


• Deep Learning PhD Student and PostDoc, 2014 – 2018

• Erasmus Exchange Student. Aalto University, Finland, 2013 – 2014

• Master and Bachelor in Telecommunication Engineering, 2009 – 2014

Rubén Zazo Candil
Last Name
Zazo Candil