Teresa Ruano

Teresa joined the law firm Pinset Masons in 2018. Previously she worked in Simmons & Simmons  as a result of the merger with Mochales & Palacios, which she joined in 2002. Teresa is a member of the firm’s crime, fraud & investigations group of Simmons & Simmons. Prior to joining Mochales & Palacios, Teresa worked in the litigation department of PricewaterhouseCoopers (Landwell), specialising in civil, criminal and administrative proceedings. She has experience on advising international and domestic companies in many industry sectors in their proceedings before the Spanish Courts. She has been an adjunct teacher at the LL.M. on Corporate Criminal Law from 2001 to 2008 and is an Associated Professor in Criminal Law, Corporate Criminal Law and Criminal Procedural Law. She earned a PhD in Corporate Law by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; her thesis focused on the directors’ criminal and civil liability and she earned a Cum laude calcification for it. She has written several publications on Criminal Law and other related matters.

Academic Background:
  • PHD in Corporate Law. Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. 2004-2016
  • Thesis: The influence of the directors’ and auditors’ duties on the forgery of the corporate annual accounts (Cum Laude)
  • Degree of Advanced Studies: Directors' liability arising from breach of the duties imposed on corporations. (2005-2006)
  • Doctoral courses: Competition law, Corporate criminal law, Insolvency proceedings, Manager’s liability and Financial Markets. (2004-2005)
  • Master in Corporate Law. IE Law School. 1998-99
  • Bachelor of Laws. Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. 1994-1998
  • The directors’ and auditors’ liability in the process to elaborate the annual accounts. The guarantor position in the criminal field, Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi; 2017
  • "Spain introduces compliance programs as a defense to criminal liability for companies”. Simmons & Simmons Crime Bulletin. 2015.
  • “Computer registry and the intimacy right, Supreme Court Judgment 7-11-2011”. SEPIN. 2012.
  • "Investor protection in Spain: Fraud and the dissemination of false rumors”. Simmons & Simmons Crime Bulletin. 2011.
Last name
Professor IE Law School