Thierry Amslem

Doctor Amslem is specialized in researching and teaching Management Control and social entrepreneurship. Specifically, his research focuses on the use of management control in social enterprises and its effects on social workers motivation and behavior. He is trained in qualitative methodology and his research is published and under review in international journals such as Management Accounting Research and Research of the Sociology in Organizations. He defended his PhD thesis at Sorbonne University (France) and did a Post-doc in accounting at Université Laval. He was also a Faculty Member at the Smith School of Business, Queen’s University, Ontario. Doctor Amslem also taught Management control at ESCP Europe and Business Performance Management at HEC Paris.


• Assistant Professor, IE University, 2017 – Present

• Faculty Member in the Accounting Group, The Smith School of Business, Queen’s University (Ontario, Canada), 2015 – 2016

• Post-doc Research Fellow, Université Laval (Quebec, Canada), 2014


• PhD in Management Accounting, Sorbonne University – Business School (France), 2013

• Phil in Organization Studies, University of Paris/Mines-ParisTech, 2008

• B.A. in Business, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, 2003


• Wealth Manager, CIC Bank (France), 2004 – 2008


• Amslem, T., Gendron, Y. (2019). “From emotionality to the cultivation of employability: An ethnography of change in social work expertise following the spread of quantification in a social enterprise”. Management Accounting Research

• Annisette, M., Vesty, G., Amslem, T. (2017). “Accounting Values, Controversies, and Compromises in Tests of Worth”. In Cloutier, C., Gond, J.P. & Leca, B. (Eds.). Justification, Evaluation and Critique in the Study of Organizations. Book Series: Research in the Sociology of Organizations. Emerald Publishing Limited.

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