A young man in a business suit standing confidently in a modern office environment.

Alberto Puliga

About me

I was born and raised in Milan, Italy. I’m now in my third year of the Bachelor in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. Outside of classes, you’ll most likely find me either playing tennis or playing golf. I love being outside and doing sports. I also enjoy playing guitar or just walking around Madrid—there are so many little streets and bars to discover.

shapeAlberto Puliga
case2Undergraduate student
studentBachelor in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Three young men smiling and posing together with a certificate at a tech event.

"For computer science, a hands-on approach is super important. You can know all the theory in the world, but in the end, what matters is whether you can solve the problem."

Alberto Puliga

Applying computer science learning to solve real-life problems

Alberto Puliga combines a love of computer science with a creative, entrepreneurial eye. Outside of his classes for the Bachelor in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, he has spent time inventing a robotic arm guided by AI in the Robotics & AI Lab, and most recently, co-founding a startup.

Alberto’s entrepreneurial journey began when he co-founded a startup with two classmates during IE School of Science & Technology’s Tech Venture Bootcamp. Winning the bootcamp competition earned them entry into IE University’s Venture Lab. This incubator provided them with valuable guidance, including lessons on pitching, product-market fit and more, preparing them for the reality of startup life.

Alberto’s startup, Sunship, focuses on solving inefficiencies in the solar energy sector. Developed together with his friends and classmates Daniel and Paul, it is aimed particularly at streamlining the work of solar developers in larger operations. Daniel, who had experience through his father’s work as a solar developer, noticed that developers often used outdated tools like Excel to manage complex projects. Recognizing this gap, the team designed a platform that streamlines the entire development process.

Their platform targets the first stage of solar farm development—finding land, acquiring permits and preparing the project for construction. These tasks are often managed inefficiently, especially for larger developers working across different regions with varying regulations. By offering a centralized tool, the team aims to simplify this process, reducing delays and improving overall efficiency. This tool is particularly valuable for large solar developers juggling multiple projects in different locations.

Alberto and his team are proud of the practical experience gained through this project. For example, Alberto says he had to teach himself JavaScript to develop the platform. “I didn't know it before, so I had to learn it on the spot, but I just learned it myself with the help of my friend Daniel.” They also appreciated the practical experience they got from pitching the project to investors in the Venture Lab.

Alberto’s passion for problem-solving began in childhood, influenced by his father, an electrical engineer. He was drawn to IE University thanks to its practical, hands-on approach. Compared to the more traditional, theory-based methodology he saw in a lot of other universities, he says that IE University’s computer science programs give students opportunities to immediately apply what they’ve learned. “For computer science, a hands-on approach is super important. You can know all the theory in the world, but in the end, what matters is whether you can solve the problem,” he explains.

As for the future, Alberto is considering further education or work in the United States after completing his degree. He is undecided whether to pursue a master’s degree immediately or enter the workforce, but he is clear about his desire to continue developing his technical and entrepreneurial skills.

Alberto never imagined he would become an entrepreneur, describing his journey into the startup world as something he “stumbled into.” However, the experience has sparked his interest in building something impactful. He appreciates the hands-on nature of startups, where every decision directly affects the project's outcome, contrasting with the more segmented work typical in larger tech companies.

As Alberto continues to develop his startup, he recognizes the importance of renewable energy on a global scale. His platform has the potential to address a critical inefficiency in the solar energy sector, helping developers manage their projects more effectively. Whether he continues expanding the startup or moves into further education or work, Alberto is committed to solving complex problems and making a meaningful impact.