Beyzanur Inal

About me

My name is Beyzanur Inal and I’m a Turkish student in the Dual Degree in Business Administration and Laws. I’ve lived in Turkey, Senegal, and now Spain. In my free time, I like writing stories and poems, learning new languages, and reading scientific articles. However, I spend most of my spare time volunteering at the UN Refugee Agency, Casa Turca, helping refugee students who wish to continue studying in Spain.

shapeBeyzanur Inal
case2Undergraduate student
studentDual Degree in Business Administration and Laws

"I really like that IE University teaches students how to make decisions in times of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity."

Beyzanur Inal

Blazing her own trail—and helping those in her wake

Beyzanur Inal has jumped over many hurdles to be where she is. In the face of political turmoil in Turkey back in 2016, she and her family were forced to flee from their home country to Senegal. And after just 1.5 years in Senegal, due to safety issues, they were forced to relocate again, this time to Spain.

In Madrid, Beyzanur learned Spanish from scratch in order to take the PCE, a test for students who hold foreign high-school diplomas. This allowed her to start university, under the condition that she obtained her educational documents from Turkey. Unfortunately, she could not get these documents since she fled from her home country, and as a result, was forced to do high school all over again.

It’s no surprise that someone this ambitious ended up at IE University. In her final year of high school, Beyzanur applied, thanks to the recommendation of the president of Casa Turca, the NGO where she was volunteering at the time.

She knew IE University was right for her for several reasons. First, she appreciated that the professors teach students how to make decisions in times of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Secondly, she says that its international campus gives you the opportunity to see the world from other people’s eyes. Lastly, she states that the university educates students with respect and ethics, thanks to its values of 1) humanities to understand the world and 2) diverse nationalities, cultures and ideas.

The next step for Beyzanur was choosing the right degree. She opted for the Dual Degree in Business Administration and Laws because she longs to contribute to building a fairer, more collaborative and peaceful world. To do so, she’d like to be one of the people who shape the legal system or improve it with their academic research. Combining the legal knowledge and business acumen she’ll obtain in this degree, she can work in or even establish a company that aims to make a positive impact on society.

But having fled Turkey and then Senegal, studying a Dual Degree would be complicated for Beyzanur. She knew she’d need some help. And that’s what she got. Thanks to the consistent guidance of the IE Financial Aid department, she was granted a full ride through the IE University Scholarship.

Beyzanur couldn’t be happier, even after only three months of studying. She says she feels “more creative, organized, and confident, and [her] ability to think analytically, write essays and work in groups has improved.” She also notes that the professors are very accessible, and support the students with extra office hours and helpful feedback via email.

Though her journey has only just begun, Beyzanur is determined to help those who are in the situation she was in. She does this by spending much of her free time at Casa Turca, assisting refugees who are trying to study in Spain.

If you’re reading this and it sounds like your story, Beyzanur has some first-hand advice:

  • Don’t worry if you don’t have experience or someone to guide you through the admissions process and scholarship application, because your admissions advisor and the Financial Aid department will support you in every aspect.
  • IE University does everything they can to meet your needs, so don’t hesitate to apply for a scholarship. Just be honest and sincere, and the university will do their best to understand your situation and find a solution.
  • Be confident about who you are and what your background is, because the professors, staff and students are respectful, kind and open-minded.
  • Make sure to stay informed and sign up for opportunities that IE University offers, like the mentorship society and extracurricular activities.
Beyzanur Inal - student story- testimonials | IE University