Léa Silveira - Student Story | IE

Léa Silveira

About me

My name is Léa and I am Portuguese and French. I was born in Paris, but I grew up in Lisbon. I was never 100% set on what I wanted to study—until I came to IE University. One of my great-grandparents was a very successful business lawyer in France, and the majority of my family is business-driven. So when I found a dual degree that combined business and law, I knew it was the perfect fit. In my free time I like to be with my family and friends, go horseback riding, travel or stay in and watch movies to have some time for myself.

shapeLéa Silveira
case2Undergraduate student
mapPointFrance / Portugal
studentDual Degree in Business Administration + Laws
Léa Silveira - Student Story | IE

"Studying at IE University was the best decision I’ve ever made."

Léa Silveira

Business and law: two paths joined as one

Born in France and raised in Portugal, Léa Silveira is no stranger to diverse settings and unique challenges. She was never sure what she wanted to study, but she did know that she wanted a field that would be challenging and diverse. She was looking for a way to push herself in order to become successful, fulfilled and land a job that would allow her to feel financially stable. 

With a great-grandparent who had been a successful business lawyer in France, and many of her family members proving to be incredibly business-driven, Léa thought that the Dual Degree in Business Administration & Laws at IE University would be a perfect way to combine her interests, challenge herself and have a unique way to follow the path laid out by her family. The program stood out to her because it was both challenging and beneficial for reaching her future goals.

Léa tells everyone who asks that choosing to attend IE University was the best decision she’s ever made.  She’s thrilled about the fact that the institution prepares students for success with the resources provided, as well as the option to join clubs, attend events and participate in countless activities. She has served as a class representative since her first year in the program, and has been part of the IE Mentorship Society, where she was first a mentee and then a mentor. Léa also loves that the school has different campuses, allowing her to start out her dual degree program in Segovia. “Segovia is where I met most of my closest friends that I will keep forever.” 

In addition to the activities on campus, Léa took advantage of the opportunities to go off campus for firsthand experiences. She completed a summer internship focused on international arbitration at Clifford Chance in Paris, giving her an inside look at what it’s like to work in the legal environment in the city where she was born. She also participated in the ELSA European Human Rights Moot Court Competition, as well as the EU and International Law Challenge, which her team won.

Léa Silveira - Student Story | IELéa loves her program and the opportunities presented to her. Her favorite classes are those revolving around private law, including contract law and commercial law. Even if she doesn’t end up working as a lawyer, she’s enjoying learning from incredible professors who are experts in the field. She finds that her perception of the subject has shifted due to the professors, who make the classes interesting and interactive.

As for advice for future students taking on a Dual Degree in Business Administration & Laws, Léa would tell them to buckle up, because each year is a bit more challenging than the last. She encourages them to focus on their studies, have discipline and learn to balance their personal life and their studies, especially if they are planning on getting an internship or going on an exchange. 

Léa would also encourage future students to take every opportunity offered to them, whether it be to attend a simple seminar, a networking event or a forum in the middle of July. “You never know who you will meet, and over time, these initiatives will add up, helping you stand out from the rest.”