Mario Sans Majuelo - Student Story | IE University

Mario Sans Majuelo

About me

I am a curious and open-minded student, passionate about people, languages and cultures. My ultimate goal is to expand my perspective and develop a multicultural mindset fueled by learning and diversity. I chose to pursue my dual degree because its distinct blend would allow me to build on my interest in international relations and also learn more about Law. Most of my free time is spent volunteering with organizations around the world. In the future, I hope to use my learnings to make an impact through various charities and political activities.

shapeMario Sans Majuelo
case2Undergraduate student
studentDual Degree in Laws + International Relations
Mario Sans Majuelo - Student Story | IE University

"The IE Debate Club has always felt like more than a student club. It’s almost like a family: approachable, friendly and always there in case you need help or guidance."

Mario Sans Majuelo

Building global connections through debate

Mario Sans Majuelo has always been driven by a curiosity about new people, different languages and diverse cultures. Born and raised in Spain, academia and voluntary work provided him an avenue to fulfill his wish—after completing his secondary education, Mario went on to earn his International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) in New Mexico in the US. Joining IE University was yet another step in the right direction for this globally-minded student.

He is now studying the Dual Degree in Laws & International Relations, a program he chose because it provided a unique combination that allowed him to pursue his passion for international relations while also learning about the complex field of Law. Ever eager to challenge himself academically, this dual degree has allowed Mario to gain the multicultural perspective he’s been searching for—all while keeping his finger on the pulse of the global affairs and international law worlds.

The flexible nature of the program gave him the option to spend the first two years of his dual degree in Segovia. Famous for its lush greenery and stunning natural landscapes, it’s proven to be the ideal location for the eco-conscious Mario, who has received certifications in permaculture design and wilderness medicine. More importantly, it was in Segovia that he first learned about the IE Debate Club, which has opened up numerous opportunities to expand his global profile.

Mario Sans Majuelo - Student Story | IE UniversityMario joined the club in his first week on campus; he immediately signed up for the Debate Club Training Program to develop various soft skills, including public speaking and negotiation. He soon got the chance to put theory to practice at the recently concluded Model United Nations debate conference held at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJCmun). Drawing over 1,200 participants every year, it is the biggest MUN in Spain and Europe as a whole.

Mario spent a week in Móstoles acting as the delegate for India within the MUN Security Council. There, he got to discuss, negotiate and debate the “Responsibility to Protect” principle with representatives from other universities worldwide. For Mario, it was a thrilling experience that helped him not only learn many valuable lessons, but also build incredible friendships with some very talented and well-informed peers. “The URJCMUN has undoubtedly been one of the highlights of my first year at IE University,” he says. Indeed, Mario’s hard work paid off, as his delegation was awarded an honorable mention.

He credits his optimal performance at the conference to the IE Debate Club’s rigorous training process, which equipped him with the knowledge and strategic debate techniques that ultimately allowed him to excel. And now, Mario is already looking forward to the future, excited to participate in other future MUN conferences with the club. “Don’t hesitate,” he advises every other student who wishes to do the same. “Go for it!”