Zaid Madamgha - Student Story | IE University

Zaid Madamgha

About me

My name is Zaid Madamgha and I’m from Iraq. I’m a second-year student studying the Dual Degree in Economics and International Relations in Segovia. Before moving to Spain, I lived in Amman, Jordan, where I attended an international high school and participated in varsity basketball, chess and a Model United Nations. I’m passionate about economics, basketball and debating.

My family fled Iraq 40 days after my birth, and they went to Amman, Jordan, where I spent my whole life. Adapting to a new country and taking care of our family in a new place was challenging for them, but they worked so hard to take care of me and my older brother. They focused on giving us an adequate education and guiding us on the right path. I wouldn’t be where I am today without them. Everything I am and everything I strive to be, I owe it to my parents.

shapeZaid Madamgha
case2Undergraduate student
studentDual Degree in Economics + International Relations
Zaid Madamgha - Student Story | IE University

"The students here make IE University feel like home, and the friendships that I have made here cannot be replaced."

Zaid Madamgha

Finding a home away from home in Segovia

Zaid was presented with a variety of choices when it came to offers from universities, but he knew IE University was going to be his new home from the moment he finished his admissions interview. What set IE University apart from the other universities was its clear commitment to meeting each student’s needs, professionally and personally. Zaid, who was born in Iraq but grew up in Jordan, immediately felt that IE University would be a key stepping stone on his path to success.

Once Zaid arrived in Segovia, he was delighted to find himself surrounded by a like-minded cohort of students from all around the world. He quickly made friends with his colleagues and credits IE University as uniting its students through their common goal of graduating and finding success following their degrees. 

Now in his second year, Zaid feels that his relationships with his colleagues make Segovia like a big family and make IE University feel like home. So far, he has participated in a number of experiences that have enriched his undergraduate journey. Together with colleague and friend Miguel Estrada, Zaid completed the 2022 National Budget simulation, which allowed him to apply all the knowledge he gained through his courses in a real-world context. In addition, Zaid heads the IE MENA Club, which advocates for Middle Eastern and North African students.

Zaid also hopes to continue his lifelong passion for basketball by joining the IE University team as soon as he recovers from an injury. His love for basketball started when he was just four years old, and he won the national championship with his high-school team in 2019. Beyond formal extracurricular activities, student-led events like game nights and movie nights have served as both an outlet for having fun and as an opportunity to consolidate relationships and meet new people.

Zaid Madamgha - Student Story | IE UniversityAll of these experiences inside and outside of the classroom are forming the foundation for Zaid to achieve the greatness he feels he is destined for. Pursuing a master’s degree could also figure in this path to greatness by opening up further avenues for professional growth. In the longer term, Zaid aims to enter the private sector and ultimately to become a global leader.

The challenges of the dual degree require hard work and dedication, but Zaid is passionate about both economics and international relations, and he is eager to deepen his understanding of how our world and markets work, and the links between supply and demand and international relations. Managing the stresses that are inherent in such an exacting degree will only strengthen Zaid’s preparation for success in the world that awaits after graduation.

When he is feeling tired or frustrated with the difficulties life has presented, Zaid reminds himself, “Never forget why you started.” Coming from a country that has suffered immensely from war, Zaid has had to overcome a myriad of particularly trying moments. Remembering what motivates him to succeed drives him to continue pushing on to make those around him proud.