IE University celebrates the graduation of students from 140 countries from the Classes of 2020 and 2022

IE University celebrates the graduation of 5,000 students
The institution will provide virtual and augmented reality glasses to all its students as part of its commitment to immersive methodologies.

From this week until the end of July, IE University is celebrating the graduation of undergraduate and graduate students from 140 countries from the classes of 2020 and 2022. The events, which will take place from July 6 to July 23, will be attended by guests, prominent alumni who will deliver commencement addresses at each ceremony, senior academic authorities, faculty and staff members. All of them will celebrate the students' graduation at IE Tower, IE University's new technological and sustainable campus in Madrid, as well as at the institution's historic campus in Segovia, in the 15th century convent of Santa Cruz la Real.

The students of the class of 2020 attended their graduation during the pandemic virtually, connected from different regions around the world, due to restrictions on movement and health protocols as a result of the pandemic. This month, face-to-face ceremonies have been organized to bring them together again and to celebrate their academic achievement with the institution's highest authorities.

Immersive experiences

IE University sits among the most innovative universities in the world according to international rankings. The institution, a pioneer in Europe, with more than 20 years of experience in the design of online masters, has a unique liquid learning methodology launched in 2020 and has announced that it will provide VR and AR (virtual and augmented reality) glasses to all its students as part of its commitment to immersive methodologies.

This technological commitment is a step forward for the institution. IE University will open campuses in several metaverses in 2023, including Roblox and Decentranland, where students will be able to attend classes and enjoy events in the digital sphere. In addition, the academic institution will enrich the education of 8,000 students from 140 countries with immersive experiences starting in the next academic year, 2022/23.