“Inspiring Innovation” welcomes on April 3rd and 4th all kind of researchers, entrepreneurs and CEOs from Spain, USA, Netherlands and Finland. 

IE University Psychology Club celebrates its annual conferences “Inspiring innovation” that will take place on April 3rd and 4th on Santa Cruz la Real Campus in Segovia. There, academic, researchers, entrepreneurs and CEOs from Spain, USA, Netherlands and Finland, among others, will debate psychology’s newest applications on different fields.

The Psychology Club, that gathers Bachelor students from IE University, welcomes in this conference renowned experts on the idea that psychology is a multidisciplinary field, and that learning and applying it can help both people and business development. Through a series of speeches, several key aspects will be analyzed in Segovia such as pointers to decision making, persuasion abilities, team-working, coaching, recruiting and professional profiles, consumer psychology and the social values and emotions, among others. Conference is open to university students from any degree and to any person interested in the lastest applications of Psychology in diverse settings.