Pich, a startup which connects with the infrastructure of the banking sector to provide companies and developers with access to financial data, was the winning business project at Fintech Venture Day Madrid, a competition run by Santander InnoVentures, Accenture and IE Business School. The competition is aimed at startups which provide technology-based solutions for the finance sector. Pich is a young company founded  in 2013 by two alumni of IE University’s Bachelor in Business Administration, Ignacio Gamoneda from Spain and Munya Gwisai from Zimbabwe, who aspire to making their company the biggest financial data supplier in Europe.

This is the first time that Fintech Venture Day has been held in Spain. The competition forms part of a series of contests held around the world, the first of which took place in Tel Aviv in February, with the next edition set to take place in Sao Paulo in May. Participating startups offer technology-based solutions for payment methods, alternative funding, wealth management, and services which cover areas that include investment, data and risk analysis, customer experience, and digitalization of financial services. The competition was held at the Rafael del Pino Foundation, with a judges panel made up of investors and experts in entrepreneurial management, the finance sector and consultancy services. As the winning project, Pich will receive mentoring from the sponsoring firms and will have the option of accessing funding.

In addition to this achievement, yesterday Pich Technologies discovered that it had been included in the ranking of the hundred best startups in Europe’s fintech sector. The ranking was announced during the presentation of the European Fintech awards held in Amsterdam, which brought together investors and directors working in the field of innovation at major European banks. Pich also achieved the No. 3 position in the “innovative banking software” category.

Pich Technologies is dedicated to developing software that permits any developer or company in Spain to access financial data easily and fast, and the service will also soon be available to all EU member countries.