
IE University

IE University is an official, private university accredited by the Spanish authorities. It was founded in accordance with Law 4/1997 (April 24, 1997) from the Autonomous Community of Castile and León (Official State Gazette no. 156 of July 1, 1997), and has been managed by the Instituto de Empresa since 2006. IE University is regulated according to the Spanish Organic Law 6/2001 on universities, Law 3/2003 on universities of Castile and León, and by its own Organization and Operation Regulations (Official Gazette of Castile and León no. 240 of December 16, 2009).

IE University grants official undergraduate and graduate degrees (Master and PhD) and consequently grants official university degrees approved and recognized by the Spanish government. The University is accredited in the [Ministry of Education’s National Registry of Universities, Centres and Degrees]( , while its curriculum has been adapted to the European Higher Education Area (Bologna Process).


Our programs are certified with accreditations from prestigious associations and internationally recognized quality assurance agencies.

You can access official information about IE University degrees via the search engine provided by the Quality Assurance Agency for the University System in Castilla y Leon (ACSUCYL) and in the Register of Universities, Centers and Degrees (RUCT) compiled by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.