Bachelor in Environmental Sciences for Sustainability

Drive sustainable change
duration4 years
Mode of studyFull-time
duration4 years
Mode of studyFull-time


At IE University, we believe that what you learn outside the classroom is just as important as what you learn in the classroom. That’s why we make sure every student has endless opportunities to expand their cultural, personal, and professional horizons.

With our exchange programs, for example, you can study at any of our partner universities across the globe and open yourself up to a whole new culture or language—something that’s becoming more and more important in our increasingly interconnected and globalized world. We also have our special IEU Labs, a hands-on and internship-like experience on campus that helps you learn extra skills and better prepares you for your future career.

There are also more than 150 clubs to help you find like-minded people who share your hobbies and interests. Ranging from theater to sports, academia, and more, there’s something for everyone.

Bachelor in Environmental Sciences and Sustainability | IE University


IE University has four advanced laboratories in Segovia, each fully equipped with state-of-the-art technology: Physics, Environmental DNA and Microbiology, Biogeochemistry, and Geobiology. These labs accommodate small groups of 10 to 15 students, providing opportunities for hands-on experiments, research, and practical studies under the guidance of professors and technicians. They comply with international best practices and adhere to the highest standards of health, safety and science-based training.


At IE University, we place great emphasis on the hands-on. By providing practical, real-world scenarios for students to apply their learning, we add value to the academic experience.

Expeditions are a crucial part of the Bachelor in Environmental Sciences for Sustainability. They offer an opportunity to complement your work inside the laboratories by collecting raw data and samples in diverse natural environments. In doing so, you gain the context that is crucial for understanding and tackling complex environmental issues.

As part of our commitment to provide practical, hands-on learning experiences, we offer students the opportunity to participate in our annual spring expedition to Lanzarote in the Canary Islands.

Over five days, students explore the diverse ecosystems of the island, with its combination of rugged coastlines, volcanic cones and fertile valleys. Students have the opportunity to take in the rich landscapes while gaining firsthand insight into the human practices that affect the varied natural phenomena and the sustainable practices that are being employed to mitigate them.

Another expedition location is the UNESCO Man & Biosphere Reserve within Sierra de Guadarrama National Park, less than an hour from Segovia. The area provides a unique geological setting and rich biological diversity for you to explore. Accompanied by a group of professors, you will observe different aspects of nature and take samples from the river and the surrounding areas, which are then taken back to the lab for further analysis. See for yourself the beauty and complexity of nature—and the crucial role we have in protecting it.

Students also visit the Río Tinto in the southwestern Spanish province of Andalusia. Due to the river’s high concentration of heavy metals from mining activity in the region, it offers valuable insights into various geological processes.

Expeditions are a crucial part of the Challenge Based Learning (CBL) aspect of this program. They align seamlessly with the approach’s overall aim: to address real-world challenges, foster problem-solving skills and promote interdisciplinary collaboration. Through hands-on exposure, you will gain the skills and knowledge to tackle real environmental issues and find innovative and sustainable solutions.

IE students at the laboratory for the Bachelor's in Environmental Sciences for Sustainability
IE student in the countryside


Explore the perspectives of students from the Bachelor in Environmental Sciences for Sustainability as they share their insights on the Resilient Earth Speaker Series in Segovia. This series features talks by distinguished geoscientists and chemists, delving into critical issues in environmental science.

Explore the perspectives of students from the Bachelor in Environmental Sciences for Sustainability


We aim to mainstream sustainability into all aspects of the university. We want to inspire people to alter their habits to strengthen a more permanent behavioral change. We are committed to fostering environmental and ethical stewardship as well as promoting increased awareness and public understanding. We want to help people think and act in ways that nurture a more sustainable planet: embracing global citizenship, social responsibility, climate action, the use of renewable energy and recycling, as well as fighting against biodiversity loss. This way people can appreciate that individual actions are not isolated events but contribute to an interconnected system that determines the well-being of both humans and the planet.

At IE University we’ve thought a lot about how tomorrow’s world will look and what kind of knowledge we must cultivate for our students to thrive in it. We are committed to fostering environmental and ethical stewardship as well as promoting increased awareness and public understanding.

We want to help people think and behave in ways that nurture a more sustainable planet: embracing global citizenship, social responsibility, climate action, the use of renewable energy and recycling, as well as fighting against biodiversity loss.

This way people can appreciate that individual efforts are not isolated events but contribute to an interconnected system that determines the well-being of both humans and the planet.

The Chain of Change starts with you!


Studying abroad is just one of the many ways IE University allows you to discover global perspectives and gain cross-cultural insights. The chance to live and study in another country will open you up to new possibilities, ideas, and worldviews. It’s a life-changing experience that will stay with you long after graduation.

Embark on a global adventure! Click here and find out in which semester you can go on an exchange and start planning your transformative international experience.

GPA global map


The IE University experience involves much more than academic studies. Our practice-based methodology takes you beyond the classroom walls and straight to the frontlines of the industry you’re passionate about. We offer an exceptional range of opportunities that allow you to tailor your studies to your specific career goals and enhance your employability by obtaining extra qualifications.


Students receive academic guidance from tutors and advisors who provide direction, encouraging the integration of the different degree elements. Build a personalized academic program that matches your professional aspirations.


IEU Labs are IE University’s alternative to traditional internships. Designed for first- and second-year students seeking high-level internship placements, the IE Labs provide a hands-on, internship-like, on-campus experience, where you work on projects for leading companies and institutions in a variety of sectors.


Holding them as one of its values, IE University understands the Humanities are key to understanding the reality of our world, and applying critical thinking skills to complex, global challenges. Students can select which Humanities course to complete, based on their interests.


Advanced Seminars complement the core degree by giving students deeper knowledge of subjects in a very diverse area of studies.


Additionally, students can take part in several internships, gaining professional skills and enhancing that highly valued international profile.


Aside from mastering Spanish, our students can decide to study other relevant languages of today’s globalized world, including French, Portuguese, German, Arabic, or Chinese.

In their shoes


If you’re curious about what it’s like to study at IE University, tune in on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or other podcast platforms and get listening today.


Why do students choose environmental science?

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Students choose to study environmental science to develop their careers in a wide range of sectors, such as coprorations, public institutions and research.

What can students do for sustainability?

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The Bachelor in Environmental Sciences for Sustainability is highly relevant in today’s world, where environmental issues are becoming increasingly urgent. At a time where we’re facing climate change, pollution, and natural resource and biodiversity loss on a grand scale, we need more curious, creative and driven students who can become agents of change.

What are the students profiles of bachelor in environmental sciences?

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The Bachelor in Environmental Sciences for Sustainibility is designed for students who are motivated to address major environmental and global challenges using scientific knowledge and want to generate positive change for society and the environment.