How to do the perfect drag makeup | IE

How to do the perfect drag makeup

The final project of the “Graphic Design and Infographics” class saw students work on and deliver an original and creative graphic artwork or infographic. They had complete creative freedom and produced a variety of results for a wide range of audiences.

The How to Do the Perfect Drag Makeup infographic guides readers through eight simple and easy-to-follow steps from preparation to completion. Isabella made the most of her infographic by choosing a clear format and cohesive color scheme.

Although Isabella faced several challenges while creating the infographic, she also saw it as a rewarding experience, developed through consistent feedback from her tutor, Francesco Furno. During her cr eative journey, she learned the importance of persistence and dedication after building upon her initial idea to get her project to where it is today, presenting a final product that she could be proud of. Once encouraged to think outside the box, Isabella’s creativity started to flow and she realized she could accomplish anything she put her mind to.

Isabella shared her most important takeaway from the project: “Feedback is your secret weapon. Don't hesitate to ask for help from people who are experts in the field you're working in. It's one of the best ways to learn and grow. You never know what valuable insights and ideas you might gain from others.”

  • How to do the perfect drag makeup | IE