Leverage | IE School of Architecture and Design


Final Project for the Bachelor in Design, Class of 2021.

There is very little regard given to financial literacy with respect to the skills and the knowledge we gain in schools. Research has shown thatnearly half of all working adults are not financially literate, and thus are far more susceptible to debt and othe rmonetary adversities. The lack of institutionalised financial education is alarming, as finances, or the management there of forms the spine of civilization.That being said, the potential of games are habitually undervalued. Not only are they effective as a means of recreation and stress relief, but also as a learning tool that creates social interaction. 

They reward players witha sense of achievement and controlled freedom and have proven success as a powerful means of connecting people from different generations. Furthermore, they create an environment fo renriching interactions through an interactive gameplay that is immensely engaging and immersive. Encyclopedic research into financial literacy and gaming has guided the Project towards Leverage, an engaging board game based on the volatile stock market scenario of 2020. The object of the game is to play or withhold ‘news’ cards which benefit the value of your own stocks and/or harm those of your opponents.The intent of Leverage is to demonstrate the potential of subliminal education in games, to prove the potentiality of gaming as a tool capable of tackling financial illiteracy in an ambitious scope, as well as to challenge the widespread prevalence of deficient education.

  • Leverage | IE School of Architecture and Design
  • Leverage | IE School of Architecture and Design
  • Leverage | IE School of Architecture and Design
  • Leverage | IE School of Architecture and Design