EDEN Fund is the first student-run endowment fund in Spain, an initiative thought-out to create a transformative impact. It replicates the inner workings of a real fund with the objective of educating passionate students through one simple method: giving them responsibility.
EDEN, empowered by IE University and supported by IE Foundation, is the brainchild of students Carlo Masera and Santiago Quintana, who got their inspiration from their experience in the IE Investment Club. EDEN serves the IE community by creating impact on the education of current and future generation in two ways:
- Impact on Education: Through EDEN’s program, students experience advanced practice, early exposure to the field, and a realistic sense of responsibility, allowing them to unleash their potential, discover their passion early on in their studies, and develop the practical skills sought after by employers.
- Impact on the IE Community: EDEN contributes to the already active IE Foundation scholarship fund by redirecting its returns to a higher purpose, eliminating economic barriers to outstanding education and nurturing a culture of giving back.
Through the support of IE Foundation, EDEN is now able to receive donations, allowing the pr oject to transition from theoretical approaches to managing real assets, a change that will profoundly enhance the practical experience for students.
What is the EDEN Fund
It all started with the IE Investment Club.
Students Carlo Masera and Santaigo Quintana, both founding members of the club, realized that there was strong desire from IE University students to learn practical skills in financial literacy. Under the supervision IE University professors of finance Laura Núñez Letamendia and Rafael Hurtado Coll, and the guidance of Henry Bradford, Vice Dean of BBA at IE Business School, this initiative is designed to replicate a real industry environment, providing students with invaluable real and practical experience in the field of finance.
The EDEN Fund invests in the public financial market. EDEN’s financial analysts are responsible for making and valuing these investments, as well as making three stock pitches each month.
The fund is made up of various departments. The macroeconomic department provides regular and informative updates on the economy, while the investor relations department is responsible for managing advisory board relationships, creating new ones and expanding EDEN’s stakeholder network. Finally the marketing department focuses on developing, creating and distributing the EDEN brand across the IE University community—and the entire globe.
Carlo and Santiago have always believed that investing is for everyone. For them, in today’s macroeconomic and political environment, it’s an essential skill. With the population aging, future financial stability is uncertain, especially for young people. That’s why EDEN encourages individuals to take control of their financial stability and learn to grow their wealth.
EDEN provides IE University students the benefits of real fund experience, cultivating practical knowledge in finance, and enjoying an unmatched and exciting extracurricular university experience. Students who participate in EDEN come from all backgrounds, countries and experiences, but they all share one thing: passion. They’re passionate about the project, about learning and about trying things that take them beyond their comfort zones.
IE University’s resources were vital in getting EDEN up and running—firstly, because of the network. The amazing community of motivated students was the only way a project like EDEN could even get off the ground. Secondly, IE University’s inspirational leaders played a fundamental role (Carlo and Santiago particularly mention Antonio de Castro Carpeño, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, and María Bravo, Campus Life Coordinator). These individuals supported the students and this project from day one. The founders insist that without the help, dedication and support of these individuals, and others like Canadian startup founder and mentor Gonzalo Tudela, EDEN would never have flourished.