On Novembre 2022, Mare-chicose, Mauritius island’s sole landfill, caught fire due to its oversaturation statue released in 2019. As result the Mauritian community started to question the efficiency of the current centralised waste management system.
From Trash to Treasure is a project that rises from the urgent issue of landfill saturation and the challenge of finding a new space to construct an efficeint landfill on the island. In order to deal with this challenge this project focuses on developing a methodology to allow stakeholders of the resource recovery industry to engage in a circular waste management system in Mauritius island. In this manner we can help reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.
The proposal is to identify to what extent can waste management be made entirely visible and lucrative for the Mauritian community?
The methodology is to focus on the identified urgent waste through extensive research: organic waste, in the capital of Port-Louis as a pilot project to illustrate the use of the circular waste management system scenario template. The goal is to motivate stakeholders to participate in waste management projects. To design a system with circularity as core, meaning that this project does not only focus on environmental concerns but equally on social and economic ones.
The outcomes of this capstone is a circular waste management system scenario proposal through a template, and a Public Waste Awareness campaign.