Ricardo Mesquita, Head of Immersive Learning welcoming the first group of Bootcampers
On Friday, September 29th, the IE Data Science Bootcamp welcomed its inaugural intake of 13 Bootcampers. Over the course of the next 10 weeks, they’ll submerge themselves deep into the world of Data Science and emerge with the skills needed to help fill highly-coveted roles in Data Science in a variety of sectors throughout the business world. The opening weekend was packed with orientation and team-building activities for Bootcamp participants.
At the Welcome Ceremony, students heard from Executive President of IE Exponential Learning Teresa Martín Retortillo, Head of Immersive Learning Ricardo Mesquita, and Data Science Bootcamp Director Ignacio Larrú. After the Bootcampers received a warm welcome, they got their first introduction to two pivotal tools for their experience: R Studio, an open-source data software platform for the R programming language and Anaconda, the most popular data science platform for the Python programming language.
The next stop of the Bootcampers’ opening weekend was to IE’s campus in Segovia, located a little more than an hour to the northwest of Madrid. After an overnight stay in a hotel, the Bootcampers set foot on campus for three hours of Team Building activities led by José Maia.
But before we brought the Bootcampers back to get acquainted with the IE Madrid campus, Rodrigo Aguirre de Cárcer led the first Resilience Workshop, which the Bootcampers will have weekly. Once back in Madrid, they joined in the fun at the Madrid Student Welcome Day.
The visit to Segovia also gave Bootcampers a surprise, with hot air balloons being flown throughout the center of the city, adding to a beautiful view in the middle of their orientation activities.
So, what awaits the Bootcampers over these 11 weeks of the Data Science Bootcamp? Stay tuned every week for a new edition of Bootcamp Diary, where you’ll get insights from a select group of Bootcampers about what they’ve learned, hopefully, enticing you to join the next Data Science Bootcamp intake. Stay tuned for more about the IE Data Science Bootcamp right on the Exponential Learning blog!